Saturday, May 9, 2009


It`s amazing what can happen to your day and your life when you do decide to just let situations or things go.
It truly is that easy.
And letting go gives you the chance to start again, as many times as you want.
Why hang on to the angry frustrated feelings when letting go can make them all go away.

Letting go is an amazing feeling.
When you are trying to control situations around you and you seem to be fighting against an invisible force,
the act of letting go breaks the control hold.
Don’t relive the situation over and over again
ionly confirming that it will happen once again. Just let it go.
Dont repeadedly speak of the mistake

Looking back at the morning,while she believed she was determinated to have a good day,in fac she woke up with a chip on her shoulder
once circumstances started attacking her the way she was feeling, the feeling of crabbiness came back to her.
even though she was saying n thinking she was goin to have a great day, the feeling was what got the day movin in the direction she did not want it to go.

bang! snapped her into the reality..
Let the control go..
Let the chip on ur shoulder go..
Let the feeling of crabbiness go..
look toward the feelings that make yr day a whole lot better..

azaaza *

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